Use "inquisitor|inquisitors" in a sentence

1. Galileo facing his inquisitors

2. Watch out, you signalers, inquisitors, Criminalizers.

3. Alost asserts that The Inquisitor was

4. Blankly definition, without expression or understanding: She stared Blankly at her inquisitors

5. The second chapter is the analysis of "Grand Inquisitor".

6. The prime minister found himself arraigned before the media inquisitors.

7. 18 Or shun his requests and risk facing his fearsome Inquisitors or even excommunication?

8. 9 The prime minister found himself arraigned before the media inquisitors.

9. Callo is a member of the VKP's Information Analysis Unit—Inquisitors

10. Kattina was either a practised inquisitor, or very naive.

11. The Grand Inquisitor was standing at the doorway.

12. The great inquisitor began with an hour of apparently random questions.

13. The Inquisitor nodded. It is the mark of the killer.

14. This means that interviews are often an ordeal for inquisitor and subject alike.

15. Or shun his requests and risk facing his fearsome Inquisitors or even excommunication?

16. She Curtseyed, A bit of Inquisitor goes a long way

17. The Inquisitor Inoue demanded repeated vows of apostasy from him.

18. After the end of the fifteenth century, inquisitions were headed by a Grand Inquisitor.

19. He was a tough inquisitor, not sparing his own side, as Labour ministers complained.

20. In the run of history , the censorship and the inquisitor HAs sll the time lost.

21. Your experiments are aided by Jape, which can operate as both inquisitor and oracle.

22. Swinging his power sword and shouting to guardsmen, the Inquisitor pounded after the fugitive alien.

23. Clotho is a witch who lives in the swamp to hide from the inquisitor

24. In the long run of history, the censorship and the inquisitor hae always lost.

25. The smooth tones had the silky menace of an inquisitor intent on a confession.

26. In the long run of history, the censor and inquisitor have always lost.

27. He was the tormentor, he was the protector , he was the inquisitor , he was the friend.

28. Inquisitor Malorum , one of the Emperor's key agents in this period, found Apailana's little gestures frustrating.

29. And then , if It'should be The will of its Inquisitor, The liberty to die.

30. Obispal was simply uppermost in his mind because of that particular Inquisitor being on the eye-screen.

31. As a companion's Approval increases (or decreases), their feelings towards the Inquisitor will also change

32. The Inquisitor could not be more just to you if you were his own daughter.

33. 8 He was the tormentor, he was the protector , he was the inquisitor ,[] he was the friend.

34. Akasha is the name of the female Necris High Inquisitor in the Unreal Tournament 3 single player campaign

35. Alec is a responsible leader who cares for the well-being of his people and is the current Inquisitor of the Clave

36. True Christianity has never fostered vengeful, intolerant inquisitors, such as Tomás de Torquemada, or hateful warmongers, such as the papal promoters of the Crusades.

37. Godwyn Fischig - Godwin Fischig was an Adeptus Arbites Chastener from Hubris and long-time associate of Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn

38. Alaric, Hawkspur and both Archmagos and Magos attempt to get word of the corruption to Inquisitor Nyxos via a communications tower on the planet.

39. Classes are broadly defined specializations of a character.Pathfinder: Kingmaker currently includes all the core Classes, plus the Alchemist, Inquisitor, and Magus ones

40. Ercole brought accusations of heresy against his wife to King Henry II of France and Inquisitor Oriz in 1554, and she subsequently confessed.

41. The grand inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition spouts the loftiest of motives. The Salem witchcraft trials were conducted for the public good.

42. Confederative inquisitor ever sued 10 their crime, but at that time a judge with this law have not perfect for cancel this law case

43. VOA: standard.2009.09.10 Nietzsche announced the death of God and Dostoyevsky's Grand Inquisitor Asserted that when God is dead all things are permitted.

44. Some reckon its failure to unearth masses of new information is down to a mix of mendacious reticence on the part of key witnesses and the pusillanimity of their inquisitors.

45. I was hired on the spot because my inquisitor thought I evidenced a degree of Cheekiness that would ensure my survival as her underling.

46. The current record for Caballed beatdowns is an 8-on-1 holy gangbang of doom, taken by Deiminos, former High Inquisitor of the Justice cabal

47. Today's World Census Report The Most Devout in Bridei World Census Inquisitors conducted rigorous one-on-one interviews probing the depth of citizens' beliefs in order to determine which nations were the most devout.

48. In March 1273, Pope Gregory X formulated the following rules: relapsed Jews, as well as Christians who abjured their faith in favor of "the Jewish superstition", were to be treated by the Inquisitors as heretics.

49. States categorically that “without Anthropophagists, anthropologists would find themselves in much the same position as the inquisitors of the Middle Ages, who quickly exhausted the supply of mortal heretics and therefore had to conjure up supernatural ones lest …

50. For although a continuation of the Bullary has just been published at Rome, containing several decrees of this congregation, there is not one that announces a fulfilment of this illusory promise, -- a promise imagined by a correspondent to French newspapers, but never given by the inquisitors themselves.

51. Castigating Wallop Christening Fire Decollation Fervent Faith Flege's Essence Flege's Firebomb Holy Fire Noble Rage Punishing Wallop Summary Justice: Passive: Battle Axe Mastery Inquisitor Heavy Armor Mastery Judge's Combat Technique Spray Essence: Awakening: Death By Burning Heretic's Brand Infernal Vortex Purifying Flames

52. - 2 Cachinnates (smile with teeth) in red and pink - The Beard in black - The Inquisitor (mustache and monocle) in brown - 2 Coquettes (smile) in red and pink - 2 Flirts (puckered smile) in red and pink - The Unibrow in black - The Naturalist in black - 5 mustaches: 2 black, 1 brown, 1 gray and 1 white

53. An abuse of power that starts in Absolution Crypt at 71.8 40.39 then finishing the chain that ends with Hunting an Inquisitor at 72.98 52.08 and you can pick up Halls of Atonement: Your Absolution which will reward 49,950 xp 98g 34s 40c and Lord Chamberlain's Cloak You Turn in it back at Absolution Crypt at 71.8 40.39 after completing the dungeon